Cheryl Godley, Ph.D.
Licensed Psychologist (Wyoming License #274)
Windy Ridge Psychological Services, P.C.
1607 CY Avenue, Suite 302
Casper, WY 82604
307-234-0500 Office
Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology, Colorado State University (APA Accredited, 1994)
M.S. in Counseling Psychology, Colorado State University (APA Accredited, 1991)
M.M. in Music Therapy, University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida (1986)
Certificate in Elementary Education, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs (1983)
B.A. in Music Therapy, Colorado State University (1981)
Professional Experience (since 1989)
1996 – present Private Practice
Windy Ridge Psychological Services, P.C., Casper, WY
General practice in psychology. Psychotherapy with individuals, couples, and families. Services include psychological assessments: inpatient and outpatient, Social Security Disability evaluations, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation evaluations, Wyoming State Waiver Program for Developmental Disabilities evaluations; stress management programs and relaxation training. Issues addressed in therapy: Physical, sexual and emotional abuse, trauma, relationship difficulties, family of origin dynamics, separation-individuation, career change, women’s issues, physical disabilities, grief and loss, sexual identity, and challenges associated with rural mental health. Services provided primarily to adults and also to adolescents. Diagnostic categories treated include a broad spectrum: Cognitive disorders, mood disorders, schizophrenia, anxiety disorders, somatoform disorders, adjustment disorders, personality disorders. Supervision: Two staff (Administrative Assistant & Office Manager).
2006-2008 Adjunct Faculty
Department of Psychology, Casper College, Casper, WY
Course hired to teach: Psychology of Adjustment.
1995-1996 Staff Psychologist
Crest View Hospital, Casper, WY
Developed in-hospital psychological assessment services, facilitated process-oriented psychotherapy groups (Sexual Abuse Groups for Child/Adolescent and Adult Treatment Programs), provided individual physician requested consultations to patients coping with issues of sexual abuse, provided consultation to other mental health professionals working at the hospital, as needed; supervised doctoral-level psychology student working as Assessment Technician.
- Psychological Resident
Crest View Hospital, Casper, WY
Provided individual, family and process-oriented group psychotherapy (Adolescent Residential Treatment Program, Acute Adolescent Treatment Program, Sexual Abuse Groups for Child/Adolescent and Adult Treatment Programs), provided individual physician requested consultations to patients coping with issues of sexual abuse, acquired exposure to inpatient psychological assessment, provided once monthly on-call services to the Child/Adolescent Treatment Program, speaker at “Lunch ‘N Learn” (community-based presentations) sponsored by the hospital. Diagnostic categories included a broad spectrum of diagnoses: Psychosis, affective disorders, personality disorders, anxiety disorders, eating disorders, disorders of early childhood. Issues addressed included: sexual, physical and emotional abuse, family of origin issues, problem-solving difficulties, relationship issues, marriage difficulties, issues of separation and individuation, re-entering the community, issues involving sexuality, grief and loss.
1993-1994 Psychology Intern (APA Accredited)
University Counseling Center, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO
Provided individual, couples and process-oriented groups (ACOA, Women in Transition, Personal Growth Group) psychotherapy, supervised doctoral-level psychology practicum students, provided weekly initial assessments, crisis intervention (daytime and nighttime emergency) and referral services, acquired administrative experience (Clinical Services Team): completed training seminars (Career Development, Drug and Alcohol Assessment, Psychological Assessment), presented outreach programs and workshops, served as consultant to Office of Resources for Disabled Students, assessed campus-wide availability of assistive technology for visually impaired/blind/learning disabled students, wrote and presented proposal for additional technologies according to assessed needs and differences, and women’s issues. Specific client issues and concerns: ACOA, dysfunctional families, self-esteem, grief and loss, nontraditional-age concerns for women, relationship and intimacy difficulties, sexual abuse and assault,, sexuality, gay and lesbian identity, eating disorders, substance abuse, academic difficulties, career indecision, stress management, depression, self-destructive behavior, and characterological disorders.
1991-1993 Therapist: Graduate Student Assistant
University Counseling Center, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO
Provided individual, couples and group (Women’s Therapy Group) psychotherapy, provided weekly initial assessments, daytime and nighttime emergency coverage, and crisis intervention. Specific issues included: Relationship issues, family of origin issues, ACOA, sexual and physical abuse, eating disorders, communication and problem solving difficulties, and issues of separation-individuation.
1989-1990 Graduate Teaching Assistant
Department of Psychology, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO
Planned and presented study skills sessions for seven sections of General Psychology. Provided individualized tutoring for Abnormal Psychology. Researched the area of substance abuse and treatment programs for adolescent mothers for Psychology of Women.
Godley, C.A. & Gillard, M.A. (2011). Assisting handlers following attacks on dog guides: Implications for dog guide teams. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 105(10), 601-611.
Godley, C.A. (1987). The use of music therapy in pain clinics. Music Therapy Perspectives. 4,23-40.
Sedei, C.A. (1982). Focus: Visual impairment. Impact, 1(2).
Panel Member Representing the Following Topics
“Women’s Identity Development and Self-Esteem: Differences – Race, Sexual Orientation, Class, Nationality, Ability-Differences”. Addressed identity and self-esteem issues facing women with disabilities. Office of Women’s Programs, Colorado State University.
“Multicultural Panel”. Represented individuals with physical differences. Department of Social Work, Colorado State University.
“The Double Stigma: Women with Disabilities”. Addressed issues facing women with disabilities. Office of Women’s Programs, Handicapped Awareness Days, Colorado State University.
“Issues of Intellect and Blindness”. Discussed myths that visual differences also imply intellectual deficits. Office of Resources for Disabled Students, Handicapped Awareness Days, Colorado State University.
Research Experience
Dissertation: Death Anxiety, Defensive Styles and Life Satisfaction.
Master’s Thesis: The Effect of Auditory and Vibro-Tactile Stimulation on Physiological Responses.
Research Projects: The Effect of Music on Speech of Deaf Children.
Effects of Music Therapy on Specific Statements Verbalized by Cancer Patients.
Godley, C. (2016). Four principles for facing life’s challenges.Stroke support group, Elkhorn Valley Rehabilitation Hospital, Casper, Wyoming.
Godley, C. (2016). Special considerations between caregivers and visually impaired/blind individuals. Casper Area Low Vision Support Group, Casper, Wyoming.
Godley, C. (2016). Coping with emotions from site loss.Annual conference, Wyoming Council of the Blind, Casper, Wyoming.
Godly, C. (2015). Assisting handlers following attacks on dog guides: Implications for dog guide teams.Annual conference, Northern Rockies Chapter for the Association for the Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired, Prey, Montana.
Godley, C. (2015). Women and stress. Daughters of the American Revolution, Casper, Wyoming.
Godley, C. (2015). Multiple presentations: Stress management; Adapting emotionally to sight loss; Considerations for sighted partners of persons who are visually impaired.Annual conference, North Dakota Association of the Blind, Jamestown, North Dakota.
Godley, C. (2014). Strategies for coping with stress. Stroke Support Group, Elkhorn Valley Rehabilitation Hospital, Casper, Wyoming.
Godley, C. (2014). Considerations for sighted partners of persons who are visually impaired.Annual conference, Wyoming Council of the Blind, Casper, Wyoming.
Godley, C. (2014). Adapting emotionally to sight loss. Annual conference, Wyoming Council of the Blind, Casper, Wyoming.
Godley, C. (2014). Managing sight loss.Annual conference, Wyoming Council of the Blind, Casper, Wyoming.
Godley, C. (2012, May). Assisting handlers following attacks on dog guides: Implications for dog guide teams.Biannual conference, International Guide Dog Federation (IGDF), Paris, France.
Godley, C. (2012, February). Assisting handlers following attacks on dog guides: Implications for dog guide teams.Biannual conference, International Mobility Conference – 14 (IMC-14), Palmerston North, New Zealand.
Godley, C. (2012, 2014, 2016, 2017). Facilitator, Living well with a disability. Beating the blues; Healthy communication: Understanding takes two.The University of Montana: RTC, Wyoming Independent Living and Rehabilitation, Casper, Wyoming.
Godley, C. (2011). Empowerment in the face of adversity.Annual conference, Wyoming Council of the Blind, Gillette, Wyoming.
Godley, C. (2011). Sensitivity in working with individuals experiencing disabilities. In-service training for Wyoming Independent Living and Rehabilitation, Casper, Wyoming.
Godley, C. (2011). Coping with stress in the workplace. In-service training for Wyoming Independent Living and Rehabilitation, Casper, Wyoming.
Godley, C. (2010). Addressing emotional loss resulting from disabilities.In-service training, Wyoming Independent Living and Rehabilitation, Casper, Wyoming.
Godley, C. (2009). Considerations in using dog guides. Annual Conference, Wyoming Council of the Blind, Riverton, Wyoming.
Godley, C. (2008). Grief from sight loss: Keep living! Annual Conference, Wyoming Council of the Blind, Casper, Wyoming
Godley, C.S. & Tims, F. (1986). Music therapy in healthcare: Why the medical community is dubious.Presentation at the 37th Annual Conference of the National Association for Music Therapy, November 1986, Chicago, Illinois.
Sedei, C. (1985). The use of music therapy in pain clinics and rehabilitation of migraine and tension headaches. Presentation at the National Coalition of Arts Therapy Associations National Conference, November 1985, New York, New York.
Sedei, C. & Tims, F. (1985). Exploring the self through music. Three day workshop at the Southeastern Regional Meeting of the National Association of Music Therapy, May 1985, Clearwater, Florida.
Sedei, C. (1981). Effects of music therapy on specific statements verbalized by cancer patients. Poster presentation at the 32nd Annual Conference, National Association for Music Therapy, November 1981, Denver, Colorado.
Professional Organizations and Affiliations
American Association for the Advancement of Science
American Council of the Blind
American Psychological Association
Association for Humanistic Psychologists
Delta Omicron
Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi
National Association of Professional Women
National Federation of the Blind
Wyoming Psychological Association
Professional Activities
Board member, Wyoming Council of the Blind, Casper, Wyoming, September, 2017-present
Member, Statewide Independent Living Council, Appointment by Governor Mead, Cheyenne, Wyoming, October, 2011-present
Chair, Statewide Independent Living Council, Appointment by Governor Mead, Cheyenne, Wyoming, October, 2014–November, 2016
Completed Facilitator Training, September 13-14 2011, University of Montana: RTC, Living well with a disability,Casper, Wyoming
Advisory Board, Montgomery Trust Fund for the Blind, Wyoming Department of Education, July 2009-July 2013
Psychology delegation to Vietnam and Cambodia, People to People International, November 7-17, 2006
Member, Peer Review Committee, Wyoming Medical Center, 2000-2008
Member, Examination Committee, Certification Board for Music Therapy, 1988-1993
Consultant, Larimer County Assistive Technology, Fort Collins, Colorado, 1991-1992
Member, Resource Allocation Committee, Larimer County Assistive Technology, Fort Collins, Colorado, 1991-1992
Member, Search Committee, Office of Resources for Disabled Students, Colorado State University, 1991
Editorial Board, Music Therapy Perspectives,1987-1990
National Association for Music Therapy, Student Representative of Clinical Training Committee, 1980-1981
National Association for Music Therapy Students, Associate Representative of Midwest Region, 1979-1980
Scholarships and Awards
University Graduate Scholarship, Colorado State University, 1990
Citation of Honor for Young Career Women, National Office of Business and Professional Women’s Clubs of the USA, Torrington, Wyoming, 1988
Floyd Qualls Memorial Scholarship for Outstanding Blind Graduate Student in the United States, American Council of the Blind, Las Vegas, Nevada, 1985
Commendation: Contribution to the Very Special Arts Festival and its Related Projects, Pikes Peak Arts for the Handicapped, 1982
Commendation: Superior Completion of Assignment, Napa State Hospital, 1981
Scholastic Achievement Award, Delta Omicron, Colorado State University, 1981
Outstanding Scholastic Achievement, Recordings for the Blind, New York, 1981
Outstanding Academic Achievement Award, Delta Omicron, Colorado State University, 1981
Commendation for Scholastic Achievement, Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi, 1981
The National Dean’s List,1979-1981
Creative and Performing Arts Scholarship, Colorado State University, 1977-1980
Leslie Bechtel-Van Orman, M.A., COMS
Supervisor, Services for the Visually Impaired
Wyoming Department of Education
320 West Main Street
Riverton, WY 82501
307 856-5652
Charles Davidshofer, Ph.D.
Psychological Consultant
4112 Attleboro Court
Fort Collins, CO 80525
970 980-8779
Jerry L. Deffenbacher, Ph.D.
Department of Psychology
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523-1876
970 491-6871
Timothy B. Hudson, M.D.
508 Antioch Circle East
Terre Haute, IN 47803
812 239-4647
Stephanie Jensen, CMRC, CRC
Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
122 W. 25th Street
1100 Herschler Bldg. 1E
Cheyenne, WY 82002
307 777-7191
Stephen J. Juergens
Executive Director
Wyoming Services for independent Living
808 Meadow Lane Avenue
P.O. Box 2073, Cody, WY 82414
307 586-4141
Susan MacQuiddy, Ph.D.
Director of Counseling Services
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523-8010
970 491-6496
Donna Nurss, APRN, BC
Harmony Health
1300 East A Street
Casper WY 82601
307 235-3333
Larry Plemmons, M.D.
Staff Psychiatrist
Casper Community-Based Outpatient Clinic, V.A.
4140 South Poplar
Casper, WY 82601
307 235-4143